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1B-LSD (1-butanoyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is an LSD analogue which appears to be about as potent as 1P-LSD (slightly more potent than LSD) and has a slightly shorter duration …
ReadingTime: 8 min1cP-LSD (1-cyclopropionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is a novel lysergamide with little to no history of use. It is said to be a less pushy and shorter lasting version of LSD. …
ReadingTime: 2 minA new psychedelic lysergamide which is suspected to be a prodrug of ETH-LAD, which could explain why the doses are very similar. Or it could be active on its own. Scientific …
ReadingTime: 5 minAn LSD analogue which appears to be slightly more potent with a shorter duration. Its effects are reported to be extremely similar to LSD, and thus far seems to be similarly safe. …
ReadingTime: 9 minAlso known as 2,N,N-TMT, this drug was first synthesised by Alexander Shulgin. Described as a very mild psychedelic of similar subjective effects to other tryptamines. Reported as …
ReadingTime: 2 minA phenethylamine psychedelic and stimulant derivative of 2C-B, this compound is related to and has similar effects to 25b-NBOMe. It is significantly more potent than 2C-B but …
ReadingTime: 5 minPsychedelic Phenethylamine, active in the lower microgram range, that is not active orally.
ReadingTime: 6 minA phenethylamine psychedelic and stimulant derivative of 2C-C, this compound is related and has similar effects to 25c-NBOMe. It is significantly more potent than 2C-C but less …
ReadingTime: 5 minA relatively new and popular research chemical. A short acting psychedelic related to 2C-C with similar effects to LSD, though more visual with less of a 'head-trip.' Frequently …
ReadingTime: 7 minUncommon analogue of 2C-D. Extremely potent psychedelic with stimulating qualities. Could cause dangerous vasoconstriction at high doses. May induce uncomfortable body load.
ReadingTime: 5 minA potent psychedelic phenethylamine and derivative of 2C-E, usually sold on blotters. May be mis-sold as LSD. Effects include vivid hallucinations, stimulation, heavy body load and …
ReadingTime: 2 minA rare psychedelic stimulant and bomamine. A derivative of 2C-G, but far more potent. Likely to have hallucinogenic, stimulant and vasoconstrictive properties which may be …
ReadingTime: 2 minA rare psychedelic stimulant and bomamine. A derivative of 2C-H, but many times more potent. Likely to have hallucinogenic, stimulant and vasoconstrictive properties which may be …
ReadingTime: 2 minIs a derivate of the psychedelic 2C-I. Was sold breifly in a few countries before being banned. Based purely on the pharmacological evidence it'll be between 6-8x less potent than …
ReadingTime: 2 minA psychedelic phenethylamine that is related to the 25X-NBOMe series which in turn makes it related to the 2C-X series. Quite potent substance.
ReadingTime: 2 minA phenethylamine psychedelic and stimulant derivative of 2C-I, this compound is related and has similar effects to 25i-NBOMe. It is significantly more potent than 2C-I but less …
ReadingTime: 5 minA relatively new and popular research chemical with psychedelic properties. Users report an uncomfortable body load with very strong visuals, though with less of a mental aspect …
ReadingTime: 7 minAlmost unheard-of bomamine analogue of 2C-iP. Extremely potent psychedelic with stimulating qualities. May cause potentially dangerous vasoconstriction at high doses. May induce …
ReadingTime: 2 minA rare, highly potent and yellow psychedelic phenethylamine and derivative of 2C-N. Effects are similar to other NBOMe compounds, with hallucinations, intense body load, …
ReadingTime: 5 minA rare potent psychedelic drug with similar effects and risks to others in the NBOMe class. Yet no trip reports... when the substance was first sold in mid-late 2012, and …
ReadingTime: 2 minA potent serotonin receptor agonist at the 5-HT2a receptor that is of the NBOMe drug class. It is a hallucinogenic and psychedelic with limited recorded human use.
ReadingTime: 2 minA psychedelic RC of the NBOMe class of drugs that is expected to cause hallucinations. Limited human use has been recorded on this drug and caution should be used with dosing.
ReadingTime: 2 minA popular psychedelic in the phenethylamine family. Provides empathic experiences at lower doses and strong visual and psychedelic experiences at higher doses. Commonly used as a …
ReadingTime: 17 minComprehensive List of Psychedelic Tryptamines
A Comprehensive list of Psychedelic Tryptamines
ReadingTime: 7 minComprehensive List of Psychedelic 25-X Phenylalkylamines
A Comprehensive list of Psychedelic 25-X Family Drugs
ReadingTime: 3 minComprehensive List of Psychedelic 2C Drug Molecules
A Comprehensive list of Psychedelic 2C-X Family Drugs
ReadingTime: 3 minComprehensive List of Psychedelic Drugs Molecules
Detailed information on dosage, duration, chemistry, and other information.
ReadingTime: 1 minComprehensive List of Psychedelic Lysergamides & LSD Derivatives
A Comprehensive list of Psychedelic Lysergamide (LSD) Drugs
ReadingTime: 3 minComprehensive List of Psychedelic Phenylalkylamines & Phenethylamines
A Comprehensive list of Psychedelic Phenylalkylamines & Phenethylamines Family Drugs
ReadingTime: 9 minPsychedelic Drug Facts & Harm Reduction Information Database
Comprehensive guide to psychedelic drugs, molecules, history, use, dose, and harm reduction information.
ReadingTime: 1 minConnect with a Psychedelic Society near you.
Comprehensive list of Psychedelic Societies
ReadingTime: 16 minPsychedelic Conferences & Events Organizations
Comprehensive Conferences & Events Organizations
ReadingTime: 1 minPsychedelic Media Companies List
Comprehensive list of Psychedelic Media Compaines
ReadingTime: 1 minPsychedelic Service Providers List
Comprehensive list of Psychedelic Service Providers.
ReadingTime: 3 minDoes acid help with depression?
LSD has been shown to be good at dealing with PTSD, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, ADD, depres...
ReadingTime: 2 minMicrodosing psychedelic drugs are able to help with a mix of psychiatric conditi...
ReadingTime: 2 minPsychedelics are making a come back after 40 years of banishment by popular cult...
ReadingTime: 2 minHow can I make sure to have a good trip?
While you can meditate, practice mindfulness, change your diet, there is nothing...
ReadingTime: 3 minHow do you best prepare yourself mentally & spiritually for your first experience?
While psychedelics do not guarantee a spiritual experience, our mindsets play a ...
ReadingTime: 1 minHow would you describe to someone who has never done psychedelics, why they should?
I would not say that anyone 'should' try psychedelics. Psychedelics offer some o...
ReadingTime: 4 minI am on anti-depressents. Is it okay to take psychedelics?
Antidepressants affect the serotonin system, just as most classic psychedelics d...
ReadingTime: 2 minPenis Envy mushrooms worth the extra $$$?
The Penis Envy is a very interesting Cubensis strain. It has rather mysterious o...
ReadingTime: 3 minPsychedelics are drugs that cause profound changes in one’s perceptions of rea...
ReadingTime: 3 minWhat are the main differences in mushrooms and LSD?
LSD is both a dopaminergic and serotonergic agonist. Mushrooms are primarily a s...
ReadingTime: 4 minApart from the psychological effects, folks have talked about feeling as they're...
ReadingTime: 2 minWhat does harm reduction mean?
Psychedelic harm reduction is the process of creating protected areas around loc...
ReadingTime: 4 minWhat does the word psychedelic mean?
The term 'psychedelic' is derived from the Ancient Greek words psychē (ψυχή...
ReadingTime: 1 minWhat is DMT and what are its benefits?
What's DMT? Is DMT safe? How is DMT used? What's a secure dosage of DMT? What wi...
ReadingTime: 5 minWhat is HPPD (hallucinogenic persisting perception disorder)?
Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) is a chronic (and often perma...
ReadingTime: 3 minMicrodosing is when substances are tested for their pharmacological effects thro...
ReadingTime: 2 minWhat is plant medicine healing? Should I take part in a plant medicine ceremony?
Plant medicines are healing tools and have been utilized by indigenous healers a...
ReadingTime: 3 minWhat is psychedelic integration?
In the wake of having a hallucinogenic or mystical encounter, the sentiments, th...
ReadingTime: 2 minWhat is psychedelic psychotherapy and what are its benefits?
Psychotherapy that involves the use of psychedelics rather than traditional phar...
ReadingTime: 1 minWhere can I find psychedelic communities in my area?
There are multiple online groups that could possibly direct you to face to face ...
ReadingTime: 1 minExplore the Classic Psychedelics
Classic psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT have been used for thousands of years for their powerful mind-expanding effects, but it's crucial to approach them with caution. Here are some tips for safely exploring classic psychedelics.
By following these guidelines, you can have a safe and transformative experience with classic psychedelics. As always, if you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Hash. Send me an email. Check out the contact page.