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Are psychedelic drugs addictive?

Psychedelic drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, and ayahuasca are not considered addi...

ReadingTime: 4 min

Are psychedelics legal?

Psychedelics are generally illegal globally, apart from a few places in South Am...

ReadingTime: 6 min

Are psychedelics safe for everybody?

Psychedelics are generally safe substances, physically and psychologically. Howe...

ReadingTime: 4 min

Are psychedelics safe to use?

According to the head of a drug research organization, the use of psychedelic dr...

ReadingTime: 2 min

Can a bad trip cause schizophrenia?

People at risk of developing schizophrenia or other forms of psychosis, often li...

ReadingTime: 6 min

Can I take mushrooms with lemon or orange juice?

Yes. According to some people, they mix citrus in their mushroom tea brew as it ...

ReadingTime: 2 min

Can psychedelics be used as a treatment for mental disorders?

Psychedelics are shown to be good at dealing with PTSD, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, ADD, de...

ReadingTime: 12 min

Can psychedelics heal trauma?

A cocktail of a deadly combination of benzodiazepines and antidepressants has be...

ReadingTime: 4 min

Can psychedelics help me become a better parent?

Some parents have found that it is much easier to raise a family if they supplem...

ReadingTime: 4 min

Can psychedelics help me change the way they I think and express myself?

Psychedelics cause drastic shifts in perception, emotions, and feelings. Whether...

ReadingTime: 1 min

Can you take DMT on antidepressants?

Antidepressants impact the serotonin system, just as almost all classic psychede...

ReadingTime: 2 min

Do psychedelics help anxiety?

Psychedelics have been shown to successfully treat PTSD, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, ADD, d...

ReadingTime: 3 min

Czech Psychedelic Society

Czech Republic, Klecany Topolová

ReadingTime: 1 min

Vancouver Psychedelic Society

Canada, British Columbia Vancouver

ReadingTime: 1 min

Sacramento Psychedelic Club

United States, California Sacramento

ReadingTime: 1 min

San Francisco Psychedelic Society

United States, California San Francisco

ReadingTime: 1 min

Santa Cruz Psychedelic Society

United States, California Santa Cruz

ReadingTime: 1 min

South Florida Psychedelic Society

United States, Florida Fort Lauderdale

ReadingTime: 1 min

The Rollins Psychedelic Club

United States, Flordia Winter Park

ReadingTime: 1 min

UKC Psychedelic Society

United Kingdom, Canterbury Canterbury

ReadingTime: 1 min

Yale Psychedelic Science Group

United States, Connecticut New Haven

ReadingTime: 1 min

Explore the Classic Psychedelics

Classic psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT have been used for thousands of years for their powerful mind-expanding effects, but it's crucial to approach them with caution. Here are some tips for safely exploring classic psychedelics.

By following these guidelines, you can have a safe and transformative experience with classic psychedelics. As always, if you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Hash. Send me an email. Check out the contact page.

Explore the Mysterious Spirit Molecule, DMT!


Explore the Mysterious Spirit Molecule, DMT!

Take a journey with this revolutionary drug.


Take a journey with this revolutionary drug.

Discover the power of Psilocybin Mushrooms!


Discover the power of Psilocybin Mushrooms!

Learn about the psilocybin analogue used for microdosing!


Learn about the psilocybin analogue used for microdosing!

Salvia Divinorum is the most potent psychedelic known to man!


Salvia Divinorum is the most potent psychedelic known to man!

MDMA has been cleared for clinical trials in psychotherapy.


MDMA has been cleared for clinical trials in psychotherapy.